opening the door to unconditional love & wisdom

The Akashic Records hold information about each being from its inception to the present and point to future possibilities. Accessing our Akashic Records brings us to a realm of Unconditional Love and a vast repository of knowledge about us. The great traditions of the world reference the Akashic Records. The word Akasha is Sanskrit. The Lakota refer to the Akashic Records as Chulamatahey and in the Bible they are known as The Book of Life. Nearly 20 years ago I was trained to enter the Akashic Records using the sacred prayer method which allows for direct access to your personal Akashic Records. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve and be served in this way.

A Private Akashic Records Consultation consists of opening your Akashic Records and bringing forth profound information in honor of your highest good. Some benefits of a Session are: Clearing of old wounds, karma and outmoded patterns of behavior; guidance in resolving current life challenges; clarity about your sacred path forward and how to serve your highest good. Sessions are offered in person, on the phone or on zoom.

Schedule your appointment by clicking the Schedule Button below.

Read what others have said about Sessions with Lis:

“Lis tapped into such impactful pieces of my Akashic records that I was left with goosebumps and so much to integrate. There were a few revelations that were uncannily clear and aligned with instincts I had formerly doubted that I screamed in recognition and amazement. I am so grateful she does this work. She is truly connected to a divine channel.” Amanda V.

"I was blown away with her profound depth and the enormous accuracy of the information she gave. I was moved to tears and revelations. I highly recommend her."  Karen L.

"I had no idea our session was going to serve the way it did. It was a blessing. It has carried me, helped me align and remain strong" Linda J.

My session provided a deep sense of comfort and strength. Knowing more of who I am is empowering and beautiful.” Krista O.

Akashic Level i Class: learn to Open Your Akashic records, November 16 & 17, 3-8pm Pacific Time

Akashic Records, Level 1 Course

The Level I Course is foundational to learning how to open your Akashic Records. With supportive teachers, prayers, visualizations and a clearly laid out Manual you will be carefully guided into this profound realm of unconditional love, light and wisdom. You will have a chance to practice opening and closing your Records, asking questions and receiving clarity from your Akashic Record Keepers.

Akashic Level 1-Repeat Students

You will learn: 

• A sacred prayer to open your Akashic Records

• Prayers for clearing and moving energy

• Grace Points to assist in receiving information from the Akashic Records

• The art of formulating questions

• Practice accessing your Akashic Records in a supportive community

Akashic Level 2 Class: learn to Open the Akashic records of another, TBD 2024

PREREQUISITE: LEVEL 1 COURSE. This course develops the skill of accessing and holding the energetic key that opens the flow of wisdom from another’s soul. You work closely with others to express the information received through this powerful, yet subtle form of spiritual insight.

The wealth of knowledge brings heartfelt love and understanding, whether giving or receiving the consultation.

Through carefully designed processes for each class, you are brought to a place of blessing, Divine Grace, and radiant uplifted consciousness.

Here are just some of the results from this subtle, deep class:

  • Validate and expand your personal insights from your own inner work with another viewpoint from the Akashic Record

  • Clear emotions and behavior that do not lead to Peace and centeredness

  • Expand life direction

  • Gain clarity about decisions

  • Perceive inner qualities that are gifts to build on in your life

  • Understand the magnitude of your abilities

  • Choose to interact with people in uplifting ways

  • Open to the expanded tide of wealth and well-being

Akashic LevelS 3 & 4 Class: receive information from other incarnations to bring understanding to this life, TBD 2024.


You will: Explore the impact of your ancestral lineage and how it is shaping who you are today. With new and stunning clarity, you integrate the fuller understanding of the unique, pure identity that is truly your soul’s legacy.

Here are some of the results from the empowering, integrating Level III curriculum:

  • Embrace how your personal talents have been nurtured over lifetimes

  • Let go of reacting to people and choose centered, positive actions

  • Clearly feel and know how significant people have influenced you

  • Understand why someone is in your life

  • Complete behavior, through Grace, that does not serve you any longer

  • Awaken to the full support of your spirit and heart

  • Free yourself from judgment that blocks creativity

  • Feel whole and at Peace